In the middle of the note, undo (ctrl+z) the offset editing. In the middle of the note, undo (ctrl+z) so that the midi item moves back to the empty track. Move the midi item to an empty track, then move it back. Draw a note in a midi item on a track with a synth plugin on it. Number 1 happens with all the synths I have installed (including ReaSynth), 2 and 3 only on these specific ones. These happen with for example Synthmaster, u-he plugins like Zebralette and Image-line plugins like Harmor. These are all related to editing midi when REAPER is playing. I believe at least the first one is a REAPER bug because it happens also with ReaSynth, the rest may not be. I'm not sure if these are problems with REAPER sending midi or the plugins receving it, but I can't reproduce these with other daws and it isn't just a single plugin/developer so I decided to post this.