LOOT’s masterlists have gotten many additions, improvements, refinements and translations over the years, and so credit is due to the very large number of people and sources (particularly BOSS’s masterlists) who have contributed to them. LOOT is developed on GitHub, and a full list of GitHub contributors may be found here. Any issues with a masterlist are best brought to the attention of the LOOT Team so that they may be remedied. Nevertheless, the LOOT Team appeals to the community to avoid the distribution of unofficial masterlists, as this would only hamper the effort to create one set of stores for load order information. LOOT has been specifically designed to prevent it being locked into the LOOT Team’s official masterlist repositories. It may be that what the derivative work would do differently is already planned for a future version of LOOT or would be happily integrated into LOOT, thus avoiding any extra effort by others. While the GPL license allows anyone to make derivative works of LOOT, the LOOT Team encourages those thinking of doing so to first discuss their reasoning for such an endeavour with the Team. The full texts of both licenses are included in Copyright License Texts. The documentation is distributed under the GNU Free Documentation License v1.3. LOOT and its API are distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.